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CA Bans PFAS in Food Packaging - Everything You Need to Know and How It Is Affecting the Industry - AB 1200

If you’re reading this, you’ve more than likely heard about California’s new legislation to ban food

packaging containing PFAS substances.  The California Safer Food Packaging and Cookware Act of

2021 (AB 1200) has passed and will begin on January 1st of 2023 (if you operate outside of

California, keep reading, this may affect you sooner than you think). This new law has significant

implications for the way your company approaches food packaging and cookware.

If you’re in a hurry, we’ve made a TL;DR at the bottom, hitting the key points.

Now let’s get into it.

First and foremost, the Act bans the sale or distribution of plant-based food packaging that contains

intentionally added perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). These chemicals, which

have been linked to serious health problems such as certain types of cancers, birth defects, hormone

disruption, and other effects, have been a source of concern for public health advocates for years. By

banning PFAS in food packaging in California, the Act aims to protect consumers from exposure to

these harmful chemicals.

In addition to the ban on PFAS in food packaging, the Act also requires cookware manufacturers to

disclose any hazardous chemicals present in their products. This will allow consumers to make

informed decisions about the safety of the cookware they use in their homes, and will help to prevent

misleading advertising on cookware packaging. If your company uses cookware in its operations, such

as in a restaurant or catering business, it's important to pay attention to this provision of the Act and

ensure that you are using cookware that complies with the new requirements.

The impact of the Act doesn't stop at California's borders. As more and more states and companies

become aware of the dangers of toxic chemicals in food packaging and cookware, it is very likely that

we'll see similar regulations popping up in other parts of the country. This means that even if your

company isn't based in California, it's important to stay informed about the latest developments in this

area and to consider proactively transitioning to safer, PFAS-free packaging and cookware options.

So what can you do to stay ahead of the game and ensure that your company is in compliance with the

Act? Here are a few key steps to take:

  • Review your current food packaging and cookware options. Are they free of PFAS chemicals? If not, consider transitioning to alternatives that are safer for consumers.

  • Stay informed about the latest regulatory developments in this area. This will help you to stay ahead of the curve and avoid potential liabilities.


  • The California Safer Food Packaging and Cookware Act of 2021 (AB 1200) will go into effect on January 1, 2023.

  • The Act bans the sale or distribution of plant-based food packaging containing PFAS chemicals.

  • The Act also requires cookware manufacturers to disclose hazardous chemicals in their products.

  • The Act aims to protect public health and provide consumers with the information they need to make informed decisions about the safety of the products they use.

  • Food industry companies, even those outside of California, should review their current packaging and cookware options, stay informed about regulatory developments, and consider transitioning to safer, PFAS-free options to comply with the Act and protect public health.