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Why Order Packaging Domestic? 5 Benefits of Choosing a Domestic Packaging Manufacturer

The packaging industry is no stranger to the age old debate: International or domestic vendors? Companies of all types and sizes wrestle between the pros and cons of each.

The goal of this article is not to claim one is better than the other. Instead, we will be laying out key advantages of sourcing through a domestic vendor. After being in the industry for a while, here's are five key benefits to ordering domestic:

1. Shorter Lead Times

Perhaps the most common reason to order packaging from domestic vendors: it's faster. Much faster. In some cases, you can save weeks or even months on your turn-around time by working with local suppliers.

If you're planning on launching a new product or expanding your business in the near future, this can make all the difference in getting your packaging in-hand before it's needed—and potentially missing critical deadlines in the process.

The time difference comes from a number of factors including transit, international logistics, and faster communication (leading us into our next benefit).

2. Streamlined Communication

Communicating with a domestic vendor is typically much easier than doing so with an international alternative.

First of all, the time zone difference between your business and domestic vendors is much smaller than it would be between you and an international provider. This means less time spent waiting for replies to your messages and fewer misunderstandings due to different perceptions on timing.

Additionally, you may encounter less language barriers in communication. This is not guaranteed though, as many (if not most) international vendors speak english fairly well. However, communication differences can happen and will significantly slow down, or even halt, your timeline.

3. Better Quality Control

When it comes to US manufacturing, the quality control standards are much higher and typically better regulated. The reason for this is simple: in order for a product to be sold on US soil, it needs to meet certain standards. But what does this mean for you?

Well, domestic vendors have more rigorous processes in place when it comes to quality control. This means that you can have higher confidence that the quality of packaging product that you order is the quality of packaging product you receive. Domestic vendors have factory processes that are streamlined and efficient, complying with all national regulations.

Still uneasy about the quality they'll produce? Traveling to your packaging provider to inspect for yourself is far easier and cheaper when using a domestic vendor. This is often times the biggest stresser for companies in the packaging buying process. Often times you don't get to see your order until it arrives in bulk at your warehouse. Eliminate this fear with much more ease by ordering domestic.

4. Lower Logistics & Shipping Costs

Logistics can be a significant part of the total cost of a product. It adds up quick! The shipping and transportation costs are often a fraction of your overall budget, but in many cases, it may make the difference between going over or under budget.

There are also other logistical aspects that you may need to consider when selling internationally, such as customs and border security regulations. You will save time and money by not having to navigate these logistics. Especially with rising tariff costs from over-seas suppliers, you never know when your shipping costs could take a huge increase in cost. You also avoid any potential delays caused by customs or border security regulations during delivery if your packaging is being shipped within your own country’s borders.

5. Save Money in the Long Run

When looking to save money in the long run, it's important to keep these reasons in mind:

  • Domestic suppliers leave less room for error. As we all know, mistakes cost time and money.

  • Domestic suppliers are more accessible. While international suppliers may provide cheaper rates for their products, they are harder to meet with and fine-tune key details. This could prove difficult when there is an emergency situation that requires immediate action by your company's leadership team.

  • Local packaging companies are great for building a close and trustworthy working relationship. Leading to great communication, product quality, and more opportunity for cost savings that are impossible for international relationships.

With the convenience of domestic vendors, you can save shipping costs and headaches, reduce lead times, and be more efficient in your packaging operations.

Hopefully you have an idea of what you can get out of a domestic vendor relationship. Depending on your business's needs, this may not be the right fit for you. That's completely ok! There are a lot of international vendors out there that do a great job at what they do too!

Let us know if you'd like to read about the benefits of ordering from international vendors.

Our aim is to be the best resource for you when you are looking to order incredible packaging for your business.

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